

Dan Dănilă (born 1954) is a poet, translator and painter living in Leonberg, Germany, since 1990. He was born in 1954 in Romania and he
graduated the arts high school of Sibiu. His poems, short stories, translations and graphics have been published by leading literary magazines in Romania, Germany, Denmark, Canada and the U.S..
He has published several books of poems in Romanian, and has also translated into Romanian many selections of French and German literary works by François Villon, Rainer Maria Rilke, Wolf von Aichelburg, Georg Scherg, etc.


Dintr-un sertar (Found in a Drawer), Thausib Press, Sibiu 1993, ISBN 973-95855-0-7
Parcul salvat (The Rescued Park), Hermann Press, Sibiu 1994, ISBN 973-95901-9-5
Fals tratat despre searã (A pseudo Treatise on Evening), 1998, ISBN 973-95901-2-8
Poeme (Poems), 2000, Author Edition
Neliniştea din cuvinte (Restlessness of Words), 2004, ISBN 3-9809358-1-7
Calendar poetic (Poetical Calendar), BrumaR Press, Timişoara 2006, ISBN 973-602-215-3
50 de Poeme (50 Poems), Timpul Press, Iaşi 2009, ISBN 94-361-2348-1
Atlantida există (Atlantis exists), Limes Press, Cluj-Napoca 2011, ISBN 978-973-726-602-6
Sonetele din Suabia (The Sonets from Swabia), Limes Press, Cluj 2012, ISBN 9789737267873
Dimineață târzie (Late Morning), Limes Press, Cluj 2013, ISBN 9789737267313
Ispita labirintului (The Labyrinth Temptation), Karth Press, București 2014, ISBN 9786069365762
Aerul călătoriilor (Travels Air) Cenaclul de la Păltiniș Press, Sibiu 2015, ISBN 9786068607108
Orașe ascunse (Hidden Towns), Armanis Press, Sibiu 2016, ISBN 9786068595436
Poems (1973-2013) (in English) Armanis Press, Sibiu 2018, ISBN 9786069006160


Poezii (Poems) – Wolf von AICHELBURG, 1996, ISBN 973-97285-4-5
Balade (Ballads) – François Villon, 1997, ISBN 973-97815-5-1
Divertisment Estival (Summer Diversion) – Georg SCHERG, 1998
Versuri (Verses) – Rainer Maria RILKE, 1999
Poeme alese (Selected poems) – Rainer Maria Rilke, 2002, ISBN 973-99499-4-0
Cântecul pescarilor... (Fisher Song...) – Walter Roth, 2010, ISBN 978-6066040891
Gedichte-Poezii (Poems) – Wolf von AICHELBURG, 2011, ISBN 9786068341118
Helge Von Bömches – Privire în culise sau Jurnalul unei vieți de cântăreț de operă, (Backstage Look...)HORA Press, Sibiu ISBN 9786068399010
François Villon, Le Lais ou le Petit Testament. Diata sau Testamentul Mic. Eminescu Press, 2015 ISBN 978-973-22-1166-3

